A tuning fork treatment is non-intrusive, no needles, no pain or manipulation involved. This alternative form of therapy involves using specific pitches, sounds, and vibrations to relieve stress, relieve pain and bring about balance within the body. The organs, glands, and cells in our bodies vibrate at their own specific frequency. As the sounds of the tuning forks flow through your body, every cell pulsates, resonates and interacts with the powerful vibrations, thus awakening the life energy of the cells and returning you to health and harmony.
Tuning forks are used to treat everyone from children to adults and even pets. Tuning forks are used for healing because of their ability to emit pure vibrational frequencies. When a tuning fork is struck it sends the vibration as an impulse through the air and into the body where it is harnessed to help increase the healing energy inside us.
Possible Benefits of Tuning Fork Sound Therapy: